M.Ed Programme:
The college is running Master of Education (M.Ed) programme from the year 1987.The college is permanently affiliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar and abiding the rules of ANU two year M.Ed Programme is going in the college as per the Norms of NCTE 2014 With effect from the year 2015
- Candidates shall be admitted into M.Ed degree course strictly in accordance with the rank secured at the entrance test, if any, or the rank determined on the basis of the marks secured as the qualifying examination or on the basis of any other criteria determined by the University from time to time, following the rules of Reservation of seats for various categories of students. The applicants for entrance test shall be drawn from the following programmes.
a. B.Ed. degree of l year or 2 years duration
b. 4-years integrated Teacher Education Degree Programme (BEIEd/BScEd BAEd).
- No candidate shall be admitted to the course of the Degree of Master of Education (Regular), unless he/she has taken the B. Ed. degree in Acharya Nagarjuna University or an equivalent degree from some other University recognized by the Acharya Nagarjuna University.
- Duration and Course of Study
The duration of the M.Ed course is two academic years. Each academic year is divided into two semesters The two semesters the first academic year are referred to as semester I and semester II and the two semesters in the second academic your are referred semester III and semester IV. Each semester shall comprise of minimum 16 weeks of i instruction
- No student shall be eligible for the Degree of Master of Education-Regular/unless he/she has completed the prescribed course of study in the University in an affiliated college extending over Four semesters/two years comprising 100 days in each semester, ordinarily consecutive, and has passed the qualifying theory examination and has prepared a dissertation on an approved topic duly examined and approved by a panel of examiners
- Time for the Completion of the Course
The candidates have to complete the M.Ed. course in two years and latest within 5 years of joining the course
- Attendance
Candidates shall put in attendance of not less than 90% of the total instructional hours in the prescribed course in catch semester including field work, practicum, internship, project work seminars, assignments, extension work & dissertation work etc. Condonation on shortage of attendance may be granted by the principal of the college concerned to the candidates who have Putin attendance of 80% and above on the submission of a certificate from a Medical Practitioner and also on payment of Condonation fees prescribed by the University,
- Candidates who have put in less than 80% of attendances are not eligible for grant of Condonation on shortage of attendance and also they are not eligible in appear for the University examination of that semester. Such candidates shall have to repeat the regular course of study of the corresponding semester in the subsequent academic year, in order to become eligible to appear for the examination. The seats of candidates admitted for repetition of the semester are neated. over and above the sanctioned strength.
- Attendance shall be reckoned from the date of commencement of instruction as per the academic calendar. However, in the case of candidates admitted later (but within the stipulated time), the attendance will be reckoned from the date of admission.
- Participation in N.C.C./NSS. Special/N.1. Camps or Inter Collegiate or Inter University or Inter- State or National or International competitions or Debates, Youth Festivals or Educational wars approved by the University, form integral part of the curriculum. Participation such activities are considered official and however, the total period of such a participation shall not exceed two weeks in a semester.
- Instruction in various subjects shall be provided by the college as per the scheme of instruction and syllabi prescribed.
- At the end of each semester, University Examinations shall be held as prescribed in the Scheme of Examination. The medium of instruction shall be only in English.
- Each theory paper carries 100 marks of which 70 marks are earmarked for Semester-end Examination and 30 marks are earmarked for internal assessment to be awarded by the teacher concerned on the basis of two internal tests for 20 marks, 5 marks for participation in seminars and group discussion and Assignment and 5 marks for attendance. Two internal tests are conducted and the performance of the better of two will be taken. However, it is mandatory for a student to take the tests/seminars/group discussion. The minimum qualifying marks for the internal assessment in theory papers should be 15 out of 30 and 50% practicum other
- There will be double valuation of theory papers of semesterend oxamination. The average of two will be taken in case of difference of above 20% of marks between the two valuations, it will be sent for a third valuation. In such cases, the average of the two nearest marks of three independent valuations will be taken for the purpose of declaring the results.
- Under Semester System there will be examinations supplementary examinations apart from the semester end
- Passing Standards
A candidate should secure a minimum of 40% of marks in each semester-end theory paper of University examination and an aggregate of 50% of markos of all the papers of the semester for a pass. Further, a candidate sheaild secure a minimum um of 50% marks in seminar/project work/field work/dissertation/ imernship any such other assignmem for a pass. If a candidate fails to secure an aggregate of 50% 50% of marks for a pass in theory paper of a semester he/she has to secure 30% marksin such individual paper/papers Somester-end examination Intermal marks put together) in the subsequent opportunity of the examination.
- Award of Division
The results will be given in semester grade point averages (SGPA) and finally in cumadative grade point avenges (CGPA) candidates who have passed all the examinations of the M.Ed Degree shall be awarded Classes Divisiotts in accordance with the total aggregate marks secured by them in all the semester examinations taken together.
A student has to secure a minimum of E grade in each paper and also minimum SGPA of 6.0 points (D Grade) in any semester to clear that semester. Suppose any student gets E Grade in two or more papers but fails to get an overall SGPA of 6.0 points (D grade), then he/she is free to reappear any of the paper(s) of his/her choice in the subsequent examination(s). Further, the overall result is declared based on the CGPA as per the following criteria:
>9 > 6 and <7
Between 8 and ≤9
Between 27 and <8
First Class Between.
Second Class
There is no third class in Master of Education course.
Candidates who have passed the examinations in the first attempt along with the batch in which theyare admitted will be eligible for the award of First Class with distinction.
Overall thrust: Fostering quality Teacher Education
Quality teacher education is broadly conceptualized as the one which is:
- Effective for meeting the objectives.
- Relevant and responsive to the school education system,
- Mediated by adequate and appropriate inputs and teaching-learning processes, equitable,
- Resource-efficient, and
- Capable of ensuring substantiative access (achieving expected learning outcomes)
Components of the two-year M.Ed. Programme
A Common Core that includes Core Courses, Compulsory Foundation Courses, Elective Foundation Courses, Skill oriented Courses, Generic Elective Courses and Open Elective Courses..
The programme envisages100 total credits in all the courses.
Two-year M.Ed. Programme: Credit hours
- Each credit in a taught course is equated to one hour of teaching for 16 weeks
- Each credit in the case of seminars/group work/tutorial/laboratory work/practical work/field- work/workshop/internship/field attachment is equated to two hours per week for 16 weeks.
Thus, a 4-credit course entails 4 hours of regular teaching per week for 16 weeks or as much as 8 hours of programme activities per week for 16 weeks.
Assessment of Student Learning
- For each theory course, 30% marks to be assigned for continuous and comprehensive internalassessment and 70% marks for examination conducted by the examining body.
- The bases of internal assessment shall include individual/ group assignments, seminar presentations, field attachment internship appraisal reports, project reports, etc.
- One fifth of the total 2500 marks/20 credits/weightage shall be given to practicum and internship /field attachment and dissertation.
Programme Organisation
The proposed programme will follow the following organisation and credit apportionment format:
Year 1: Two semesters (16 to 18 weeks per semester) + Practicum +3 weeks in summer.
Year 2: Two semesters (16 to 18 weeks per semester) + 3 weeks Practicum
Total: Four semesters (64 to 72 weeks); + 6 weeks for Practicum (70 to 78 weeks).
Apart from the 6 weeks in the various practicum activities, 7 weeks to be allocated to thefield attachment and internship.
Each year is to put in at least 200 working days exclusive of the days of admissions andinclusive of examination days.