Feedback Committee of the College is formed to collect opinions from allStakeholders regarding the Curriculum, Teaching practices, Infrastructure facilities,Graduate Exit Feedback and many others.
Composition of the Committee:
- Principal / Chair Person
- Faculty (Secretary)
- Faculty (2)
- Non-Teaching Staff
- AlumniMembers (2)
- Student Representatives (2)
- To formulate and collect structured feedback from stakeholders to increase their interaction with the institution.
- To give stakeholders an opportunity to express their views and opinions.
- To manage the responses from the stakeholders.
- To understand the responses of the stakeholders and make suggestions to the concerned accordingly for further actions.
- To provide various stakeholders with the opportunity to contribute their opinion on the quality of their learning experiences, as required in preparation for and as part of review processes.
- To assess the success of academic delivery in relation to the expectations of students.
- To provide feedback to college faculties in order to improve delivery and/or content of the study-unit.
- To assure the standards and quality of college’s infrastructure and prescribed curriculum.
- To offer the platform to the students in identifying a better role in the T/L process.
- To support the improvement and modification in the teaching methodology at the institution.
- To develop a network that may help to flow the communication between the management and students.
Role and Responsibilities
- To maintain an up-to-date and detailed database.
- To assist management in creating an environment in the college that enables students to have far-lasting memories.
- To provide the inputs of excessive use to improve the quality of our academic programmes and enrich the credibility of the institution.
- To offer best possible environment and learning experience to reach potential for academic achievement.
Term: The Feed Back Committee reconstituted every three years.
Meeting: The Feed Back Committee assembles twice in a year.